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The obligation

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - - 0 Comments

This is a passage i got from this amazing book i am reading, and its by far the best book i've read. its a book by Seth godin and its called "tribes". I'll let you read this passage titled "The Obligation"

Not to far from us, a few blocks away,there are kids without enough to eat and without parents who care. A little further away, hours by plane, are people unable to reach thier goals because they live in a community that just doesn't have the infrastructure to support them. A bit further away are people being brutally persecuted by their governments. and the world is filled with poeple who can't go to high school, never mind college, and who certainly can't spend thier time focused on whether or not they get a good parking space at work.

And so, the obligation: don't settle.

To have all these advantages, all this momentum, all these opportunities and then settle for mediocre and then defend the status quo and the worry about corporate politics- what a waste.

Flynn Berry wrote that you should never use the word " opportunity," its not an opportunity, its an obligation.

I don't think we have any choice. i think we have an obligation to change the rules, to raise the bar, to play a different game and to play it better than anyone has any right to believe is possible.

I've read this passage over 20 times, and still it inspires me, what about you ?

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